G3 Business Solutions makes fulfillment a breeze

Ship Product
- Ship products from supplier to G3
- Take advantage of discounted rates
- From a pallet to containers - we handle it all
Shipment Receipt
- G3 receives products
- Check qty & add to inventory
- Perform quality control

Orders Received
- Orders sent electronically to G3
- Stock status & ship address check
- Alerts for low stock & address issues
- Packed according to established guidelines
- Custom packaging if required
- Get discounts from our suppliers

- Take advantage of discounted rates
- Ship via all major carriers
- Define product specific shippers
- Customer gets tracking email
- Get daily fulfillment reports incl. tracking info
- Handling of call tags & returns

Final Steps
- Customer receives product
- G3 can batch credit card charges
- G3 can import orders to bookkeeping SW